“Quick Steps for Evacuation Preparation”
1.Gather flammable materials from outside and put them in the house or in a pool;
2.Turn off propane tanks;
3.Move propane barbecue grills away from structures;
4.Connect hoses outside for use by firefighters and put filled water buckets around the house;
5.Turn off sprinklers to maintain water pressure;
6.Leave outdoor lights on to make home visible to firefighers;
7.Put an emergency supply kit in vehicle;
8.Back car into the driveway with doors and windows closed; carry car keys;
9.Place ladder at the corner of house for firefighters to access the roof;
10.Seal the attic and ground vents with precut plywood or seals;
11.Monitor the fire situation; don’t wait for an evacuation order if you feel threatened;
12.Check on neighbors and make sure they’re preparing to leave;
13.Shut all windows and doors, but leave them unlocked;
14.Remove flammable window shades and curtains;
15.Move flammable furniture away from windows and doors;
16.Shut off gas at the meter and turn off pilot lights;
17.Leave interior lights on so firefighters can see your house in heave smoke;
18.Locate your pets and keep them nearby.