The following MPOA Documents are made available to Owners, Prospective Buyers and for use by Realtors.  All files are in the convenient  PDF format and can be accessed with Acrobat Reader,  which is free software usually “bundled” with most IBM and Macintosh type computer software.  Get the latest version here.  Just click on the link of choice below to open the file.  You can read it, print it, or save it to your own computer.  If you have questions, please contact the MPOA Manager at 209-795-1973 or [email protected]

Local Information and Forms for MEMBERS

NOTE:  Trees under 10″ in Diameter do not need approval to remove.

Trees removed without aproval are subject to a $500 fine per tree!

Here is the Association’s Application for Tree Removals and Home Modifications


0nline dues payment instructions  1/2024


ARC APP  Architectural Application

Association Annual Disclosure – Owner Rights

Insurance Coverages & Certificate: MPOA Insurance Disclosure & ACORD 25 Eff 4-16-2021

Prop Transfer checklist


MPOA HOA Realtor 1,2,3 Response

Welcome to MPOA

Document Index
Electronic Consent
Homeowner Complaint
New Owner Checklist
Property Owner Renter Guidelines
Resolution to Adopt Rules/Fines

Sale / Transfer Demandmpoa9.30.185

Air Ambulance
Home Security
Wild Animals
Winter Tips

Documents & Disclosures Provided For Realtors and Prospective Members
MPOA Fiscal Year July 1 Thru June 30
Annual Assessment $24
MPOA Governing Documents:

Articles of Incorporation

Meadowmont Bylaws


MPOA 2021 Budget

Disclosures listed below.

Assessments and Foreclosure Disclosure

Assessment Collection Policy Disclosure

Violation and Fining Policy

MPOA Insurance Disclosure & ACORD 25 Eff 4-16-2021

ARC APP    Architectural Application

IDR Disc

ADR Disc